Home Remedies for Thicker Hair

Flax seed: Put flax seed in a container with water and leave them there for 5 days. Then, apply directly to the scalp with a cotton ball.
Abundant hair: Scrape off the aloe vera gel of a few leaves and mix it with an egg and a glass of brandy. Apply to the scalp every two weeks.
Pepper shampoo: This shampoo is sold in stores (I purchased mine at K-Mart).
Another remedy with pepper: In a ceramic cup, chop 1 large jalapeño pepper into very small pieces and add 1/2 cup of vodka. Let it stand for several days. Then strain and discard the jalapeño pieces. Add 2 tablespoons of castor oil and pour in a clean bottle. Shake before using. Massage some into your scalp before going to bed.

The wonderful apple cider vinegar: After washing hair give it a final rinse of apple cider vinegar diluted in hot water.
Neutral henna: We must be careful with this one because henna is a dye. Using neutral henna seems to solve the dye problem, though. Mix henna powder in hot water. Add a few drops of lemon or yogurt. Apply to the hair and leave it on for an hour minimum. Initially, apply once a week for four weeks in a row. Then, once every two weeks.
Circulation: For about 10 minutes a day, lie with your head down so that more blood comes to your scalp. Comb hair from the back of the neck toward the front to revitalize weakened roots of hairs that otherwise would fall.
Mayonnaise, aloe, and tomatoes: Mix all ingredients using a blender and apply before bedtime. home-remedies-site.com Cover with a cap and leave on all night. Wash the next day.
Lavender oil for thicker hair: Massage your scalp with lavender oil.
Horse shampoo: This shampoo is sold in almost all stores.

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