Home Remedies for Dandruff

One of the causes of dandruff is stress. Other causes are seborrheic dermatitis (which also affects the face and chest) and hyperactivity of the oil glands. It is believed that dandruff is caused by a fungus called Pityrosporum orbiculare that feeds on oils from the skin. Dandruff-fighting shampoos have as their active ingredient sulfate selenium, zinc piritione, tar or ketoconazole (recommended when others do not work).
Eventhough dandruff is not a disease, a severe case of it could be annoying and embarrassing.

Rosemary rinse: Rosemary attacks bacteria and fungus. Add a teaspoon of crushed rosemary to a cup of boiling water. Let stand for a few minutes and strain. Apply once a day.
Bay leaves rinse: Add a handful of crushed bay leaves to a liter of boiling water. Cover it and let stand for 20 minutes. Strain and apply. Leave it on for an hour and rinse.
Apple cider vinegar: It kills fungi and bacteria. Mix equal parts of vinegar and water and apply as a rinse after shampooing.
Tea tree: Mix 7 drops of tea tree oil in a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply on the scalp and leave it on overnight.
Rosemary and thyme lotion: 1 tablespoon rosemary, 1 tablespoon thyme, 1/2 liter of water. Boil the water and add the rosemary. Leave it on the stove for five minutes and remove. home-remedies-site.com Add the thyme. Let stand for 15 minutes and strain. Apply to dry hair and do not rinse.
Baking soda rinse: Add a few teaspoons of baking soda in a container with water and use as a final rinse after shampooing hair.
Potatoes lotion: Cook five potatoes. Remove the water and add 10 drops of lime oil, 10 drops of iodine, 10 drops of lemon juice, and a half teaspoon of almond oil. Store in a jar and refrigerate. Use it 15 minutes before washing hair.
90% of anti-dandruff creams use urea, a component in the urine. A very old remedy to combat dandruff consists of saving the first morning urine and damp your hair with it at night. Put a cap on and sleep like this.

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